Mai-Yee is the founder of Purple Jade Spa and is a Registered Traditional

Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Registered Acupuncturist and Registered Herbalist. She

began her studies in traditional Chinese medicine in 2001 and has received training from

three Chinese medicine colleges in Ontario and completed an internship in China.

Mai-Yee was fortunate to have been raised with Chinese herbal medicine at a very young

age and she’s had the privilege to experience the powerful healing effects of it personally.

She also remembers observing in amazement the healing effects it had on her family

members as well and was forever curious how it worked.

As fate would have it, she randomly received a letter in the mail one day from a Traditional

Chinese Medicine (TCM) college inviting her to look at their program.  After visiting the

college and receiving an introduction to TCM, she instantly felt the desire and need to study

She resonated so much with the principles of TCM and the connection of the mind, body

and spirit as one that she developed a strong passion to promote the benefits of TCM and

make it accessible to as many people as possible and keep it relevant for many generations

to come.

Mai-Yee has received specialized training in the areas of cosmetic acupuncture called Mei

Zen, NADA protocol for the treatment of behavioral health conditions like emotional

trauma, post-traumatic stress, anxiety/depression, and addictions, sports injury medicine

and etc. She has combined knowledge in Chinese and Western herbal medicine and

integrates this into her treatment plans and occasionally produces her own self-care

products such as lip balms, toothpaste, deodorant, creams, salves, liniments, massage oils,

and etc.

She has many years of experience treating various health conditions whether acute or

chronic and she combines guidance in mental/mindset work with other modalities for best

results.   She also tries to empower her patients with enough knowledge to maintain and

improve their own health and well-being by means of nutritional/supplemental/herbal

recommendations, lifestyle habits and exercises.


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