6 Health Benefits of Infrared Saunas

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2 min read

Let’s be clear about one thing: Infrared saunas are unquestionably “cooler” than more conventional saunas that have been around for centuries.

Infrared saunas employ infrared lamps and electromagnetic wizardry to create warmth instead of steam or flame-stoked heat. Through this method, infrared saunas can function at a lower temperature and yet offer therapeutic advantages.

Think of it as a more contemporary version of how our forefathers worked out to improve their health and wellness. To discover more about this plug-it-in methodology we’ve asked Mai-Yee Yue explain further…

How do infrared saunas work?

Infrared saunas don’t just have a distinctive glow thanks to light panels. According to Mai-Yee Yue, the main difference between this approach and traditional saunas is the way they heat up the environment.

To provide heat therapy effects, infrared sauna lamps send a penetrating warmth onto your skin. The air inside a sauna is heated using traditional techniques.

These two methods result in wildly dissimilar thermometer readings. Infrared saunas typically have temperatures between 110- and 135-degrees Fahrenheit. In a traditional sauna, temperatures typically range from 150 to 195 F.

According to Mai-Yee Yue, infrared saunas can absolutely offer far greater comfort for users while still providing the same kinds of advantages.

Benefits of infrared sauna for health

Why then would you choose to lounge in conditions that are still on par with the highest known Earth temperatures while exposed to infrared lights? (If you’re interested, the hotly contested world record is little over 130 F.

Here are a few justifications for perspiring in an infrared sauna:

1] Better heart health:

After a few minutes in an infrared sauna, your body starts to respond naturally. On your skin, sweat beads start to form. Your blood vessels enlarge, and blood flow rises. Your heartbeat quickens.  When you consider the physiology, what is happening “mimics exercise,” according to Mai-Yee Yue.  And according to studies, infrared saunas can improve heart health and lower blood pressure.  Researchers have made the comparison: a session within infrared sauna is equal to the physical effects of brisk jogging, during the same time period.

2] Easing aching muscles:

According to Mai-Yee Yue, an infrared sauna session can enhance blood circulation, which helps hasten the recuperation of muscles after exercise. Even athletes’ performance may be improved with regular use.

3] Pain reduction:

Infrared sauna therapy, according to researchers, “may be a promising method for treatment of chronic pain.” The decision came after a two-year research study in which patients had better results with the therapy.

4] Relaxation

It seems that warming your body also warms your spirit. Setting aside time to spend in the sauna may help reduce tension, anxiety, and sadness. Basically, picture it as a meditation session that is held in a warmer environment.

5] Improved Sleep

A benefit of being more at ease? improved sleep, which has been associated with sauna use.

6] Overcoming illness

According to Mai-Yee Yue, there is proof that using a sauna regularly can help you ward against the common cold. Saunas also lessen oxidative stress, which is linked to diseases like dementia, cancer, and cardiovascular disease.

The idea that using a sauna will detoxify you by causing you to sweat off poisons like lead and cadmium is more contentious. Mai-Yee Yue warns that “that research is still in its infancy.”

Advice for utilizing infrared saunas

So you want to try out an infrared sauna? Mai-Yee Yue offers the following advice:

1] Start out slowly and at a modest level. When first using an infrared sauna, lower the temperature and limit your session length. Start at about 110 degrees and maintain that temperature for five to ten minutes, advises experts. “First, gauge how you feel, then proceed from there.”

2] Maximum period. Even if you are a seasoned sauna user, limit sessions to no more than 30 minutes to prevent overstressing your body. It’s preferable to keep visits to three to four times per week.

3]Remain hydrated. Your body may not have enough fluid in it after a sauna session because of all the sweat that is produced. Experts suggests that you bring water with you. Electrolyte-fortified sports drinks could also be a smart choice. (Side note: Refrain from using alcohol when in the sauna.)

4] After that, rinse. Any toxins you sweated out will be washed off in the shower after your sauna session to prevent them from being reabsorbed through your skin.


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