Fouad Khoury

  • Very passionate in helping people alleviate their symptoms and pains.
  • Began at the age of 18 yrs old massaging clients
  • Over 20 years massage experience with clients of all ages.
  • I enjoy working with challenging treatments that clients have not been able to resolve.
  • Experienced with Swedish Massage, Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD), Deep tissue massage, Aromatherapy, Frozen shoulder, Dislocated shoulder, treatments before and after Knee surgeries (including single and double Knee replacements), treatments before and after Hip replacements (single as well as double Hip surgeries), Myofibralgia, Osteoporosis, Sciatica, Wrist Sprains as well as Knee and Ankle Sprains, Scoliosis, Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow, Parkinsons massage, Muscular Dystrophy (MD) treatment, Prenatal and Postnatal massage, as well as Sports Specific Treatments.
  • Grateful to be a part of this wonderful team of inspiring and talented professionals here at Purple Jade Spa!

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